Headwaters Wordsmithing

Writing for the actor, singer, and reader.

Birthed in the Northwoods of Wisconsin,  Headwaters Wordsmithing creates screenplays, lyrics, and books with an emphasis on faith in God...and a minor emphasis on coffee.  Make yourself at home.


HOW IT HAPPENED: Dad, ya gotta listen to this!” said our son. An epic song at full blast and a cup of double-scooped dark roast incubated the idea that roared into this feature script.

POSTER LINE:  "The story of a girl, an asteroid, and a very strange car."

LOG LINE:  "It's 'Max Headroom meets Balaam's Donkey' when God uses an asteroid, a broken PC tablet, and an A.I. (Angelic Infestation) inside a beat-up old car to heal the unbelief in an angry, broken-hearted teen and gently bring her back to faith."

                                              (You can read the first 22 pages of Dents in a PDF file here.)


POSTER LINE: “What if we’re meant to be something we’ve never been before?”

LOG LINE:  "While searching for the true God, a timid baker's boy stumbles upon the Baron's murderous rebellion and flees to his uncle's small clan of extraordinary warriors where he unleashes his ancestry to become the warrior needed to save the kingdom.

                                                                      (You can read the first 21 pages here.)



HOW IT HAPPENED:  A friend liked this webpage and told a friend.   Her friend liked "Life, Leaving, & the Mother Road".   He emailed me and asked if I had ever done a "Short", offering very helpful suggestions.  So here is my "Short".   It's based on a true story of what Vince, Ray's little brother,  actually did in a Little League game.   I witnessed the whole thing while drinking an orange Nehi.

POSTER LINE "The Coach we choose decides how we play The Game."

LOG LINE:  "With the championship on the line, the least-likely hero steps to the plate, choosing to trust The Coach  -  no matter what."

                                                                (You can read COACHing in its entirety here.)


HOW IT HAPPENED:  A friend told me there was a need for a short film screenplay for a couple of AARP-eligible actors.  Since I'm a card-carrying member myself, I pondered what is something I do now that I didn't do when I was younger...and reading the obituaries came to mind.

LOG LINE:  Two Seniors clash over who gets the table with the newspaper but then, over the ensuing days, forge a friendship by sharing tragedies and joys, hopes and dreams - and it all started with the obituaries.

                                                                  (You can read The Obits in its entirely here.)


HOW IT HAPPENED: A feature-length script inspired by watching Frank Capra’s “You Can’t Take It With You” and everything began to mix together on a wintry Christmas-time afternoon with the help of several double-scooped cups of dark roast.

LOGLINE: “The latch-key kid of corporate-climbing parents is farmed out for the Holidays to his Great-Aunt and her Senior renters with whom he has nothing in common - or so he thinks.”

POSTER LINE: “Everybody loves dessert during the Holidays - and what’s dessert without a few nuts?”

( You can read the first 25 pages here)

All content copyrighted by Dennis R. Doud. Website designed by Isaac Doud.