Rerun From February 2013: "Comparing Clouds"
I'm sitting here at the Dining Room table, laptop open and ready, while munching on a breakfast bagel. Waiting for genius to strike.
And now the bagel's gone and I have nothin'. Except a desire for another bagel.
Wait a minute! Ha ha, genius!
I'll utilize that All-American marketing expertise of network television.
How 'bout a rerun?!
So here. I went over to the old Garage at Weebly and pulled this out of a two-year old box in the corner.
(The old Garage is at, in case you've never been there. Swing by and rummage through the Putzin' boxes. It's okay.)
Here's a February almost-a-classic that I hope you enjoy. For you faithful five who have hung out at the Garage since the beginning, I'm almost sorry to put you through this again.
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"Comparing Clouds" (February 2013)
The Elixir of Knowledge and the Chair can conjure up great rabbit trails for a mind to explore.
This time my mind ran smack into the Cloud.
The Cloud. That place where a computer goes to store things, find things, and retrieve things.
I'm wondering if that's the place where all those left socks go. Straight from the dryer to the Cloud. Never to be accessed again.
A swig of Elixir brings another Cloud to mind. THE Cloud. THE Cloud that led Moses and his occasionally-happy band away from Egypt.
Now that's a CLOUD, eh?
A swig of the Elixir and a deeper settling into the Chair initiates the Cloud Comparison
The iCloud to THE I-AM Cloud.
One stores a lot of information. The Other invented information.
One is accessible from any computer or smartphone, 24/7, 365.
The Other is accessible, unplugged, every moment of a lifetime.
The iCloud protects my information off-site, here on Earth.
THE I-AM Cloud protects my info, my soul, and my dreams off-site and off-Earth, where there's no rust, moths, North Korean cyber terrorism, or EMPs..
Another pull of the Elixir of Knowledge plucks a thought from the clouds.
So which one? We each have to make the decision as to which cloud we'll put our trust in. Put our lives in. Our eternities.
A quick look at the list of features, benefits, and the warranty makes the choice pretty easy. At least for me.
When was the last time the iCloud loved me enough to die for me? Has it loved you like that?
The Ancient of Days Way is the best tech out there. Always has been.
The I-AM Cloud...
And the best part? I don't need any sacrificial RAM.
Not anymore.