Manna and the NFL
Finally. The NFL season has finally begun. Well, okay. It's the PRE-season. But the season is coming. I sip the morning Elixir of Knowledge and delightfully ponder the thought.
Interesting thing about the "Not For Long" League. Last year means diddly.
It was great if your team went all the way and got the Vince. That's cool.
Really cool.
But it means diddly now. It doesn't win games this year. A new season. A new set of games and weeks. Each week made up of a new set of days.
The Elixir gently smacks me on the upside of a thought.
Yeah. Good point. Kinda the same..........sorta.
The Israelites wandered forty years in the desert. There was no "yesterday" when it came to getting good manna. It took daily effort to get it before the sun burned it away. A daily commitment.
Kind of a "carpe mannium" thing.
And there were those who wanted to live off the past. The manna-hoarders who, in spite of instruction to the contrary, tried to get more so they could do less. So they could coast a bit. Not work as hard.
Another pull of the Elixir and my mind hears voices. (It's okay...really...happens all the time...)
"'Becka! Benny! C'mere. Take these extra bowls and load up. The Reubenowiczes are coming over tonight for cards and its gonna be a late one. We'll grab extra manna today so we can sleep in tomorrow."
"But, Dad, Moses said-"
"Yeah-yeah. Mr. "God-Says". I'm still your father. Now go. Go!"
And, of course, the next morning...
"What is that smell, Miriam?! The neighbor's camel got the "plops" again?
And why is my breakfast crawling out of the bowl?!"
He gave us the example while He was here. Every day He got together with the Father before the craziness of the day arrived. He calls us to follow Him daily because He knows that's the only one way to handle these new daily challenges. These new hills to conquer.
And it can't be done by coasting.
I have to stay close to Him. To have His power in me to make it up those hills.
I polish off the Elixir then stare at the bottom of the cup. Maybe that's why I'm so......grumpy. And anxious. And out-of-sorts.
I'm a long way from Sunday. I 've been a little slack on the "follow Me daily" thing.
I've been trying to live off that Sunday burst of spirituality. Trying to coast through the week. And it isn't working.
Not at all.
My mind catches a whiff of my heart. Whoooooo-eeeeeee.
Either my manna's rotten - or the neighbor's camel has the "plops".