Whoopi-Ti-Yi-OhVay… Get Along, Little Woolies
Late last night I went outside which is unusual for me. Not the outside. The late part. I'm a Ben Franklin type of guy.
"Early to bed and early to rise gives a man a chance for an afternoon nap."
The nighttime sky was fairly clear, more stars than clouds. The Big Storm had yet to arrive.
Standing outside turned into a brief encounter as the siren call of The Chair and the woodstove tugged me inside. And since I was dressed in a t-shirt, shorts, and barefoot in zero degree weather, it was preordained to be a “brief encounter”.
Once inside I settled into The Chair and promptly fell asleep.
Now it’s morning. I'm brewing The Elixir Of Knowledge and making breakfast. The Elixir begins to dribble from the Kuerig as my thoughts flow to last night.
Wide open windy skies versus a cozy chair by the fire.
I ponder the part of the shepherds in The Nativity story. They were the first to know something special was going on. Other than Mary and Joseph. And the donkey.
Shepherds must be the Eastern version of cowboys. “Wide open sky”-type of people. Somewhat wild and unruly. I can't see shepherds breaking up a saloon after a sheep drive, but I bet they had some kind of reputation at bar mitzvahs.
Like cowboys, they weren't that concerned with social standing, protocol, and prestige. They chose to live out under the open sky. I imagine them out there on the hillside, softly singing to the sleeping flock.
"Whoopi-ti-yi-ohvey, get along, little woolies."
And that's why they saw the angel choir and were the first to know about God’s Greatest Gift. Their venue of choice allowed room for a multitude of the Heavenly Host.
Bethlehem had a lot of full homes and occupied hotel rooms that night. Nice little rooms with sturdy walls protecting stuff and things, nicely placed and arranged. Rooms where there wasn't enough space for an angelic duet, let alone a choir.
No room for a mighty work of God.
I take a sip and The Elixir floats up a question. A question I don't want to hear or think about but when you're the only one around, you get the job.
"Will I stay safe in my little neat-and-secure room or will I walk out under the wide open sky and see what incredible thing God will do?"
Nuts. Why am I the only one here?
It’ll take a leap of faith, this living under an open sky. Trusting Him for everything. Living a life of wild abandon.
To do that, things are gonna hafta change. Like letting go and letting God.
And I’ll hafta learn how to yodel like Roy, Dale, and Trigger…in a kosher kind of way.
“Whoopee-ti-yi-ohvey - get along, little woolies."